URAA integrates capacity building into the day to day project activity delivery (example trainings) to support its partners in Organisational development, Financial Management, Governance (Constitution development), Capacity assessment and development, Savings and Credit management, Quality Membership recruitment as well as Resource mobilization; Strategic networking, collaboration with other CSOs/CBOs and Government institutions and departments – ageing issues;
The following are also a going course;
- Strengthening the networking (secretariat and members);
- Strengthening capacities of MOs to fulfill their mandates and also be able to implement programmes and projects with URAA;
- Network to have OPs catered for in view of disaster preparedness;
- Capacity building for URAA members and staff to be able to champion the issues of older persons in Uganda;
- Build capacity of member organizations;
- URAA should establishes a data bank which provides the needed information when planning; investing in research to generate enough evidence and data on older persons in Uganda