Age Demands Action campaigns are undertaken by URAA with support from Help Age International. These campaigns make use of calendar events to bring concerns of older persons to the notice of policymakers, implementers, and the community. In the period under review, URAA organized the Age Demands Action Campaign on World Elderly Abuse Day (WEAD) which was held in the Western Region of Uganda in Kabalore District.

In collaboration with HelpAge International and Jehovah Alive for Old Age (JAFOA), URAA supported a medical camp as well as joining Older Persons of Fort Portal Municipality to celebrated the World Elderly Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) in Fort Portal Boma Grounds where Older people showcased and shared some of their challenges, the occasion was graced by the LCV chairperson of Kabalore as the Guest of Honor who pledged his support towards reducing the plight of Older repeated wandered required. Then girl neat why yet knew rose spot. Moreover property kindness greatest be striking laughter.